in-Novation on Facebook?
Yup. We did that. We created our own Facebook Business Page.
Main reason: as of 2019, Facebook has roughly 2.38 billion active users worldwide. Voila. That’s a big pond to fish in, in comparison to LinkedIn, which had about 260 million active users.
But it’s not just about the numbers. It’s also about how much time users are spending on the platform. While LinkedIn users spend about 17 minutes per month on LinkedIn, users on Facebook spend about 35 minutes per day on the platform.
So, how about quality and targeting the right audience?
True. People tend to use LinkedIn and Facebook for two very different reasons. LinkedIn has evolved significantly over the years from a job hunting ground, to a platform where professionals go to find and build connections. Facebook on the other hand is a mainly social network, focusing on sharing and engaging in daily activities and social events.
In short: LinkedIn is professional. Facebook is personal.
Exactly! My point: nowadays we are almost always “online”. As a result, worlds merge… work, colleagues, friends, social life… it’s all connected through the great World Wide Web. Internet and Social Media included.
According to Facebook, over one billion people “like” and comment an average of 3.2 billion times daily. So, let’s network then. Because having a business page on Facebook does makes one visible to a huge user base. And actively posting and engaging on that page, gives an upper hand for those people who search for businesses in Facebook, being it simply to find more information or to prove credibility.
Either way… we want to be visible. We want to be found. So yes, we did it: our business page on Facebook is online. Please have a look – and like us!
Barbara van Duin
Certified Customer Experience Professional (CCXP)